"Giving is not just about making a donation, it's about making a difference" (Kathy Calvin)

"Giving is not just about making a donation, it's about making a difference" (Kathy Calvin).

The St Luke Foundation's Outreach Program was not content just to give immediate short-term support after devastating earthquake of the 14th of August in Southern Haiti.

The program staff continue to reach out to those who are still in need. Families which are still sleeping under tents and temporary shelters, during the sweltering heat, high winds and heavy rains.

On Monday, the 8th of November our Outreach team members prepared and coordinated a distribution of home-buidling materials to 35 vulnerable homeless families.

The materials included; boxes of nails, plywood, 2"x4" wood, wooden pallets and metal roofing sheets.

Despite the chronic scarcity of fuel, the gang war on the national road that links Port-au-Prince to the south and the risk of being kidnapped, our staff have been heroic in their efforts to do what they can for those in need.

The Foundation's Outreach program is willing to stand by the victims as long as possible, until they rise again.

"We will never stop working, next week we will help another 35 families".

We want to make a difference to their lives, giving them hope and safety.

Together we are stronger.

Please support the St Luke Outreach Program's home-buidling initiative to help us to help more families have a place which they can call Home this Christmas.

Together we can make the difference!